'Quality pays when it comes to tyres'

Motorists who do not want April showers to lead to a car insurance claim may be well advised to choose their tyres carefully, it has been suggested.

Autocar magazine warned vehicle owners that simply making a decision on this important part based purely on price could prove to be a mistake.

It explained it had tested five budget products - the Nankang, Triangle, Wanli, GT Radial and Linglong - against a premium Continental tyre.

The latter product scored top marks in all but one assessment.

Indeed, in the braking examination, the test car was still doing 27.8 mph when fitted with the Linglongs at the point where the Continental parts had brought the vehicle to a standstill.

Senior tester Jamie Corstorphine said: "Having seen how the five cut-price tyres in this test perform, we're in no doubt that quality pays dividends."

Fitting vintage vehicles with the best tyres available may help motorists protect the no-claims bonus on their classic car insurance.

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