Classic car insurance buyers may find quality is more important than cost

Vintage vehicle owners looking for car insurance for their classic or retro cars should not necessarily put price above all other considerations, if the comments of one industry group are anything to go by.

The British Insurance Brokers' Association said with more and more people starting to use comparison websites, too much focus is being placed on securing the cheapest cover possible.

It reminded drivers there are other factors to bear in mind - such as the benefits a customer would expect in the event of an accident.

Graeme Trudgill, corporate affairs executive, said aggregators found online should be used with caution.

He stated: "Get an indication from the site but go to your insurance broker because they will be available to advise you on what is best for you and refine what you need."

Meanwhile, antique auto owners may find they can get cheap cover that includes all the features they require online.

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