Motorists in Merseyside 'must be on their guard'

Drivers in Merseyside have been warned about a rising trend in car crime.

Officers revealed they are receiving an increasing number of reports about incidents where a vehicle's wing mirror has been snapped off and a note left on the windscreen claiming the details of the individual responsible have been left with a member of staff in a local shop.

The offender then waits for the car owner to make their way to the retail outlet in question before breaking into the motorist's vehicle and stealing items.

Drivers were advised they can reduce their chances of being targeted by making sure their valuables are not in view.

Police pointed out satnavs, laptops and mobile phones are particularly attractive to thieves.

Motorists were also reminded never to leave their vehicle insecure - even if they are only nipping away to return a shopping trolley.

Following this advice could help owners of antique autos avoid a claim on their cherished car insurance.

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