Van insurance news: Drivers speak up ahead of election

Van drivers have given an indication of their political stripes in the run-up to this year's general election.

Express Insurance has conducted a poll which showed that 27 per cent of such motorists intend to vote for David Cameron's Conservatives at the upcoming election.

This is ten per cent ahead of Labour and 14 per cent more than the Liberal Democrats.

Moreover, eight out of ten respondents surveyed have no confidence in Gordon Brown continuing as leader of the party.

Tony Way, managing director of the organisation, stated: "With 2.5 million registered light commercial vehicles in the UK, the White Van Man has a powerful voice - and one the politicians need to listen too."

In addition, 58 per cent of such vehicle drivers would like to see the complete removal of speed cameras.

Motorists might want to voice their opinions in the days ahead of the May 6th election date, with issues such as petrol and road tax at the forefront of many people's minds.

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