Motorcycle insurance buyers' may be keen to see gasoline v electric race

Motorcycle insurance buyers' might be among those keen to see history being made next year as a gasoline bike is set to take on an electric model.

According to SWIGZ Racing, the first electric bike will compete in a race on January 9th 2010 at Auto Club Speedway in California.

Real racing superbikes such as the Ducati 1198 and KTM RC8 are going to take on the green version and Chip Yates, the environmentally-friendly bike's rider and owner of SWIGZ Racing, said he wants to show the world how well electric technology can perform.

He added: "We're not going on track to make up the numbers; we're going out to compete in order to raise our game and catch up to these gasoline guys."

This comes after another event was announced last month in the shape of the Ducati 848 Challenge, which is set to run alongside the British Superbike Championship next year.

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