Space. The Final Frontier. De-clutter Your House the Russ Wall Way

Been tidying the house this week. A sort of Autumn Clean, making space for newer clutter to take the place of the older clutter I'd done my best to forget about. It doesn't half help you focus, not only on how the years are rolling by, but also as to when is the right time to throw things away?

Videos and DVDs and, for that matter, old TVs, CD players, cassette decks and a worryingly large collection wide shouldered suits ­ will I ever really need them again? Will my insurance clients ever require me to 'power dress'?!

In the case of music and films (and my Star Trek 'The Next Generation' Video Collection), before long you'll just be able to stream them all (legally ­ don't get me started on digital piracy) anyway. So why keep them?

Books too... Will I ever re-read them? Does owning them (and dusting them every year or two) actually add anything to my life? Does a large book collection impress anyone?

And as to my, now infamous, wardrobe. I found a suitcase marked 'fancy dress' in which many of my favourite 1980's clothing had been stored. I think I've been to one fancy dress party in the last ten years. So why on earth am I hanging on to all my Gold Lame ABC suits just in case Martin Fry invites me to his 50th fancy dress birthday party?

So what's all this got to do with Home Insurance? Well, amongst all these old forgotten treasures there are, sometimes, items of real value - jewellery, collectables, old LPs and singles, antiques, old coins, china.

And it's worth checking to make sure these forgotten items of value are listed with your home contents insurance. Otherwise... well, you may never know what you're missing.

Regrettably in my case, there are no hidden gems and nothing of any real value and I suspect it will take several millennia for my Star Trek 'The Next Generation' to be worth anything.

So, for the moment, eBay here we come.

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